Saturday, July 18

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall

Which is the loveliest of them all?

Friday, July 17

Dulce Besos

Umm...Correct me if my Spanish is wrong.

Twincest Couple Headed To The Smaller

That's right, two more porn stars are leaving the porn world, but not because of a boyfriend. Taleon and Keyontyli Goffney are headed too the slammer. The twins have been featured on such sites as Ebony D and

This past week,Taleon (the bigger one) was sent to the prison for 3-8 years, for two 2008 burglaries in the Philadelphia area.

Goffney pleaded guilty to both counts and, as part of the agreement, identified his twin as an accomplice to the burglaries.

"Thank you for your lenience in accepting my plea, these crimes won't be happening again."

Keyontyli, a model before his turn to crime, is out on bail but has his court date early in August. As soon as more information comes out, look to M4D.
As porn stars they went pretty far with one another, and when I say pretty far....I mean all the way.


Thursday, July 16

Blake Riley Departs

That's right...yet another gay porn star is leaving the porn world for good. Reports say that a budding relationship is the cause for Blake's retirement.

But Blake is still under contract with Channel 1 Releasing , and if they so chose they can force him to work until his contract is up.

Quite frankly, I hope they let him out of it. At least he's bowing out gracefully, unlike a certain porn star who has lost my admiration, and I wish him the best.

Plus, him being let out of his contract peacefully means that their is still hope for him to return, like Mark or Benjamin Bradley.

Until more information comes to light, lets remember him by with a few photos...

And if you really want to remember him you can purchase an actual mold of his infamous bubble butt!

He even has his own!

I wonder what he and his new boyfriend have dreamed up to do with it....




Soccer Players